Saturday, 26 October 2013

Samsung Working On Google glass

Samsung working on Gear Glass to take on Google Glass?

With the achievement of launching the first true smart watch under its belt, Samsung could be turning its attention to another category of the wearable market – according to Eldar Murtazin, Samsung is working on head-mounted wearable glasses similar to Google’s Glass, which will be marketed under the ‘Gear Glass’ brand and launch sometime in April or May next year.
Now, Murtazin isn’t exactly the most trustworthy source in the industry, but Samsung has been rumored to be working on numerous wearable devices, and with Google Glass getting positive reception in the media, it would only be natural for Samsung to tackle the head-mounted wearable device market. Of course, if they do come with a Google Glass of their own, we’ll hope it’s compatible with more devices at launch than the Galaxy Gear is (fully compatible, not just compatible in bits and pieces), or we’ll have another ‘attractive yet useless for most’ wearable product on our hands.

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