Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Samsung VS Apple :Samsung Galaxy S III beats iPhone 5s and 5c in touch accuracy

A recent study found that Apple’s new iPhone 5s and 5c beat all other smartphones in existence when it comes to touch response time – however, when it comes to touch accuracy, both of Apple’s new iPhones fell behind the Galaxy S III, Samsung’s yesteryear flagship that is now more than a year old. A touch accuracy test was done by OptoFidelity, a Finland-based tech test and measurement company, and the results were universally in its favor.

The results revealed that the iPhones are rather inaccurate around the edges and towards the top of the display. The Galaxy S III was also a bit less accurate on the sides, but was found to have largely accurate response across the middle of the screen, much more than both iPhones. As a result, typing errors were much lower, so it looks like while response time may be in Apple’s favor, higher accuracy on the S III (and likely other devices) levels the playing field and takes away its advantages, at least as far as typing is concerned.

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