Tuesday 29 October 2013

Android 4.3 update for Verizon Galaxy S4 rolling out

Well, in a rather surprising turn of events, Verizon has beaten other carriers and become the first to start rolling out the Android 4.3 update for the Galaxy S4, as was expected when the update’s details were made available just a few hours back on Samsung’s website. In addition to inherent features of Android 4.3 (though there’s no OpenGL 3.0, as the S4′s GPU doesn’t support it on the hardware level), the update will add support for the Galaxy Gear, enable Band 4 LTE, update the Group Play app, improved Easy Mode, KNOX support, and a few other tweaks.

The update is available over-the-air right now, but in case you haven’t received a notification yet, be sure to hit the Check now button in the Settings » About phone » Software update menu.

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